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Meet Adam from Aacres Olympia

When Adam first arrived at Aacres we really didn’t know what to expect. He suffered from Aphasia but had learned to communicate using ASL (American Sign Language). When I met Adam and started to sign with him, I remember the look on his face of excitement and the tears in his eyes because someone could communicate with him.

Our interactions continued and through conversation with Adam we could understand his wants and needs. He is very intelligent, and quite a prankster, who always has a smile on his face.  Everyone who comes into contact with him is immediately inspired by his good nature.

Adam is thriving since coming to Aacres and he is interested in teaching sign language someday! We have set up the process for him to become employed and we enhanced his communication skills with text-to-talk devices and so much more. He has connections to the deaf community events, and will likely make many new friends. Adam is really a joy to know and anyone who has had the chance to work with and be around Adam feels the same. He has a new start here at Aacres and the sky is the limit!

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